Laser-Focus and Expand every Aspect of Your Online Biz | Listen To Your Freedom

FINALLY a hands-on Guide to help you Laser-Focus
and Expand every aspect of Your Business to fully
Engage your Audience and Reach your Potential!

Bokeh Blue BackgroundListen To Your Freedom is a unique program that will take you through the journey of examining your existing business or website to make sure it is aligned with your biggest passion and purpose.

Then we will take a look at the stories you are telling on your website. The stories about yourself, about your products, or your services. And I’ll show you why your stories are the most important sales tool you have.

Next I will teach you how to monetize your website, how to package up your existing content or services in different ways and at different price points, how to create all sorts of digital and physical products, and how to deliver them to customers worldwide.

I’ll show you why building a relationship with your email list is the best way to convert them to customers, who are on your side and continually asking you to create new things for them!

I will show you the best ways to use social media to generate organic (free!) search engine traffic and increase your site visitors – and which is the best social media for your business. And… well, SO much more… just keep reading and we’ll get to everything!

Along the journey you will gain awareness of the blocks and saboteurs that have kept you from your true potential, and you will be given opportunities to clear them. You will also be given all the tools, the detailed how-to instructions, for every step involved in making sure your business is set up for long-term success.

When you earn plenty of money doing what you love; work and play often feel like the same thing. You begin to exit the mainstream reality of work (groan!) and play (yippee!) and it all becomes seamless; it all just becomes your LIFE.

Do you find yourself
working harder…

and thinking there must
be ways to work smarter?

Need help to discern
& focus on what’s really
key for your biz…

because so much of your time
is eaten up by little ones?

Need a biz that’s
completely turn-key
& automated…


so you can relax & nurture yourself
when your dis-ease flares?


Listen To Your Freedom is all about defining YOUR idea of freedom and making sure your business not only generates
plenty of revenue, but also supports your vision, and services your lifestyle; your hobbies, your health, your family, etc.


kesia-guitar“Following your dreams can be terrifying, which is why most of us don’t bother. Or we pursue some lesser, more attainable desire and leave the Dream up on the shelf. As a small business owner (thanks to the LTYF Forte program), I upgraded to Fortissimo to see how I could take it further. What the honest, open, and challenging content ignited in me was the courage to go beyond the safety zone and strike out towards what I really wanted.

While LTYF Fortissimo has helped me run my current business smarter (i.e. less time, more money), I’ve also begun to record and produce my own music, which I now have the confidence and know-how to distribute and promote free of industry pitfalls and cash-grabs. It’s exhilarating to know I can realize this dream without compromising my integrity, my health, or my profit. If you’re brave enough to do business by following your heart, listening to your intuition, and intending worldly good with your work, this is the program for you, hands down.”
– Kesia Nagata

I hope you are ready to begin making this transition, because that’s where the Listen To Your Freedom program will take you.
And depending on what you want, Listen To Your Freedom could provide you with extra income, or take you to millionaire status – as it has done me.

STOP! Let’s just make sure you’re in the right place… If you already have a physical business, or a successful blog, or you currently do business online, then just stay put here at LTYF Fortissimo.But if you currently do NOT have a business or a decent website, or successful blog, then you need the LTYF Forte Program ← pssst click that link!

Now that you know you’re in the right place, let’s take a journey inside the Listen To Your Freedom Fortissimo Program!

DOWNLOAD the LTYF Fortissimo Course Contents – download time about 2 mins (83 MB)
VIEW the Fortissimo Course Online

Live FREE. Do what you LOVE every day. And make MONEY.

It’s really that simple. The process and tools I give you in Listen To Your Freedom are the exact same ones I’ve used to run a successful health business (Listen To Your Gut) for over 20 years.

So even if you already have business, or a website, or an active blog – is it earning you enough money to FEEL FREE?

My Health Shoppe

My Health Shoppe

Perhaps that sounds really exciting to you… or maybe it sounds really scary? Do you even dare to dream that you might possibly have a good life… a great life… a – dare we say – awesome life? A life that is exciting and full of sweetness, and balanced between your business, hobbies, lifestyle, family…?

Come with me on a journey down this page and let’s talk about this some more…

Tailor It To Your Needs

First of all, the truly beautiful thing is that you can completely tailor this program to your personal needs and goals. You can invest a small amount of time and use it to just expand your product line-up, or design a better website.

Or you can go for it with gusto and take your blog or biz to a whole new level of branding, positioning, and income. Either way is possible because Listen To Your Freedom will give you a solid foundation and the infrastructure to manifest YOUR idea of freedom.

So… what IS your idea of freedom? You may not even know. You may have never mapped this out – maybe you were too scared to, maybe you felt there was no point. Don’t worry, Modules 1 and 2 of Listen To Your Freedom will lead you through each step of defining your idea of freedom, and your perfect day, in detail.

This is a vital part of getting clear on your WHY. So even if you have your website set up and rolling, or a decent client list, if you haven’t defined these foundational elements – or if they have changed over time – your business will not be able to support your desired lifestyle. So don’t skip Modules, thinking you’ve already done that!

Little Chunks Of Learning & Doing

I have set up the Listen To Your Freedom Fortissimo Program as separate Modules. This takes a big process and breaks it down into totally manageable, non-intimidating, little chunks of learning and action.

building_blocksIt also makes it easy to proceed at your own pace. Some of you have young children, or a chronic illness, or a full-time job, so you cannot devote unlimited time to your business. That is absolutely okay and I started and grew my health business under similar conditions.

That is just one of the many things that makes this business-success program different from any other you’ve seen: You have access to ALL the modules from Day 1. So you can pick and choose the pieces you need or are most interested in NOW. And you can jump around as you see fit. You can move as slowly, or as quickly as you wish.

Here’s another thing that makes Listen To Your Freedom really different: Enrollment never closes and you receive free ongoing updates. Many internet or business success programs purposely limit enrollment to a brief window every year – so that you feel an urgency to purchase, or lose out! I prefer to trust your knowledge and judgment of yourself and your needs. Whenever you’re ready, we’re here.

eureka I believe true motivation comes from within and when you’re really ready, you will move forward at the time and pace that’s right for you. I prefer to give you lots of support and help, along with built-in positive reinforcement.

Splitting the program up into modules means you get to feel the thrill of accomplishment at regular points along the journey. Having separate modules, which are linked and also build upon each other, makes it easy for you to stay organized and FOCUSED as well.

It also enables you to jump around to the modules you need right now (maybe you’ve been struck with an awesome idea for a book, or a tutorial video series!), I want you to be able to move into action while your inspiration is hot. This email from a Freedomite shows why structuring the program this way is so helpful:

jeromy.jpgI LOVE having the whole smorgasbord in front of me with the modules. Of course, it’s best to do the modules in order, to make sure you don’t miss anything! But I like that they are all there to go back to and read whatever is most interesting/important for me at the time. And now for my update: My website (up for 3 years already) had been cruising along at about 100 visits per day when I joined Listen To Your Freedom. Yesterday it jumped up to 850 visitors and today I have had 1,700 visitors! Lots of new signups for my contact list and my affiliate commissions are growing accordingly. LTYF has helped me in so many ways. Thank you!!” – Jeromy Johnson,

Go At Your Own Pace lincoln-smallFT

Some people have used the Listen To Your Freedom program to do a complete overhaul of their site, and increased site traffic and sales in three months. Others have taken 18 months, or longer. So know that you don’t need to stress yourself out and you can just work your way through the program at the pace that’s right for you.

The learning and the opportunities are not going anywhere and this program is purposely designed to let you learn and implement at your own pace. The Listen To Your Freedom program is for people with jobs, or kids, or health issues, or other circumstances that prevent us from working a focused 14-hour day like a typical entrepreneur.

Whether you already have a physical or online business, or just a blog, Listen To Your Freedom walks you step-by-step through the process of really targeting and connecting with your desired audience, growing your products and services, and making your business far more profitable.

Other business training programs tell you WHAT you should do to be successful.
Listen To Your Freedom also tells you HOW to do it.

Slide-no-1Transitioning from a retail storefront to an online business has been a challenge! But it’s like Jini is standing right over my shoulder telling me what to do every step of the way. I just keep moving forward – sometimes I’m on the LTYF chat every day! Sometimes 4 times a day! I tell you Justin and Cris are my new best friends. But this is turning out to be a great move for us.”
Kipper Thompson,


What Does Freedom Mean To YOU?


My daughter Zara’s idea of freedom!

Listen To Your Freedom (LTYF) goes even beyond traditional entrepreneurship – because in my reality, if you’re working 14 hours a day, every day… what freedom do you have? Listen To Your Freedom is all about defining YOUR idea of freedom and making sure your business is set up to support that and service your lifestyle (your hobbies, your health, your kids, travel, etc.).

I also feel strongly that people who believe in humane agriculture, environmental sustainability, natural health and living need to make more money – so that we can vote with our wallet and change this planet! For example, if everybody had enough money to stop buying GMO (genetically modified) foods, these toxic monoculture crops would disappear from our planet in a few months.

I want to teach, EMPOWER and ENABLE people who live in connection to their soul and the earth – because the more money people like us make, the better we can make our planet.

Why Online and Automated Rocks!

As you develop and expand your online business, it is really important to set things up as AUTOMATED right from the start. Automated means that your website can attract visitors, generate sales, take orders and fulfill orders without you having to be around! Having an Internet-based, automated business is a big part of the Listen To Your Freedom program for these reasons:

  • A fully automatic, online business means you can sell things while you sleep, or go on vacation, or while you heal yourself, or play with your kids, or ride your horse. In 2013, I earned five figures by sitting on a remote beach in Mexico for a couple of weeks. I did not even check my email.
  • of trading time for money? Whatever you are currently doing can also be done online. Listen To Your Freedom will show you how to package up and multi-purpose all kinds of content. Maybe you’ve only done sessions, consultations, or teaching in a one-on-one situation, well Listen To Your Freedom will show you how to turn that same experience into an automated, online product that does not require your personal one-on-one time. I also show you how to offer a mix of services, some automated and some personalized – with corresponding price points.
  • People are looking for suppliers, tradespeople, products and services online first. Even if someone just needs to get their floors refinished, they will likely search for that floor refinishing service online. Let your website, before & after photos, free quote service and information package do your selling for you – all automated and instantly accessible!
  • There are currently 3 billion people online. That is expected to increase to 6 billion in the next three years… is that enough customers for you? And how are you going to do a brilliant job of servicing 50,000 customers (like I do) if your biz is not automated? And speaking of billions of people, yes, we even have a tutorial where I show you how to sell your products into China!


Who Should NOT Join This Program

Think Outside The BoxIf you already have an online business that is earning you more than $750,000/year, from you working less than 5 hours/day, then you do not need this Listen To Your Freedom Fortissimo program. You would probably be more suited to personalized consulting instead.

HOWEVER, if you are making that $750K/year from only selling one type of product or service, or only to one market, then you absolutely will be able to increase that substantially using LTYF Fortissimo tools to leverage your content through different media and by re-positioning some of your products.

Or maybe you still have not identified your core passion and purpose, and the business you currently have is okay, but it’s never going to be GREAT – because your soul is calling you to something else… In that case, Listen To Your Freedom will take you back to the basics and plug you into what really matters now, and where you need to be headed.

jacob-hokansonI started this program already making a six figure income… I own a restaurant that I am at 4 days a week and 4 hours a day. I’ve set it up for myself to be as low maintenance and painless as possible. For the most part, as long as I am following the daytight compartments philosophy and holding a commitment to the constant evolution of the place, I’m good. I could keep doing this for years; however, I’m not convinced that this is what I want to do for years… The parts that I’m not really into are that I have to be willing to act at a moment’s notice, 24/7 and that takes a lot out of me in itself. Knowing that I have a large, high volume operation on-the-go most hours of the day is psychically very difficult to hold space for in a healthy way. I’m getting there AND I really like the idea of creating passive income while really sharing my truth and passion with the world.”
– Jacob Hokanson

So, for the stuff you’re already doing right in your business, you would just use some of the Modules like a checklist (Yep, doing that, got that!) which will give you reassurance and confidence. And then the places you’ve missed in your set-up, or your long-range planning, will pop right out at you and you’ll be able to identify WHY you are not making more money from your existing site or business, and FIX them!

But if you are not willing to go back to your set-up and look at the basics: why are you here, what is the purpose behind what you do, who exactly is your customer (and who is not), what is your top talent or skill, what do you give away because you care, etc. And you just want to know how to make some money from your blog, then this is not the right program for you. Because LTYF is not just about making money from your blog – it’s about building a vibrant brand and a long-term business.

Lastly, if you are absolutely unwilling to look at your thought patterns and beliefs, if you think success has nothing to do with your mind or emotions, then this is not the program for you.

Saboteurs And Blocks To Success

saboteursIn Listen To Your Freedom I ask you to become aware of your fears and saboteurs, and yes, this is moving away from traditional business advice and into the realm of the emotional and spiritual.

And guess what? We absolutely have to go there for you to manifest long-term success.

Successful people, from great athletes, to great leaders, to great businesspeople, all acknowledge that your mind is a crucial part of achieving success. Likewise, your mind can also be a storehouse of blocks and saboteurs that prevent you from effectively visioning or achieving your goals.

So there may be times throughout Listen To Your Freedom where I direct you to do things that may seem a little out-there or woo-woo to you, but if you stick with me and give it a shot, I promise you’ll see doors open.

Scared Yet?

So check in with yourself right now – place your hand on your heart, or your gut, and how are you feeling? Imagine that finally, after all these years of striving, you are really, actually going to be able to manifest the life of your dreams…

You know this is the real deal. Because there’s no hype. Because I have walked my talk for over 20 years and everything in this program has already been trial-tested by 10 people (artists, doctors, engineers, healers, musicians, chefs, horse trainers, etc.), who are just like you – to make SURE it works. Because I offer a full guarantee… and my return rate is less than 1%.

Okay, now that we’ve dealt with your “Yes, but’s…” can we go back to imagining? SO, close your eyes and imagine yourself actually, really, having the life you’ve dreamed of.

Making really good money doing what you love every single day. Being able to set your own work hours. Being able to go on holiday whenever you choose. Making enough money to hire home help, pay for your supplements, support causes you believe in, go out for dinner, drive a nice car, live in a beautiful home, provide free resources that make a difference in other people’s lives… go on, close your eyes and IMAGINE it, right now.

Now check in with your heart and/or gut. I guarantee you will be feeling one of two things: Fear or Excitement.

But here’s the really cool thing: Biochemically, there is only one molecule of difference between fear and excitement! That is super cool because it means fear can be shifted pretty easily to excitement; if you know how and you have the tools.

Most things worth doing scare the pants off us. And all the saboteurs that have held us back in the past start rabbiting away: You’ll never have that! Look how hard you’ve already tried and nothing has worked yet. Who am I to…? and so on.

You can take a breath, right now, and allow yourself to feel safe because I know what you’re dealing with. I know this program will trigger your fears, and I’ve got your back. The program is structured throughout with lots of support, techniques, and tools that are going to help you shift any fears to excitement (only one molecule!) whenever fear or resistance arises.

Here’s an email from a Freedomite that illustrates perfectly the kind of emotional journey this program may take you on:

lori-couch.jpg“YAHOO thank you from the bottom of my heart. There are no words to say. After 12 solid hours sitting at the computer (after 2 months of recording and writing) I jumped up from my desk screaming “I’m done!” Over and over. Burst through my office door screaming, the kids all started cheering and I ran straight out the door. Running through my yard shouting like a crazy woman, “I’m done, Thank you god I’m done!”

I went completely around my yard and straight to my beautiful trees and hugged them offering my gratitude. As I walked up the drive, my eldest daughter met me and hugged me, everyone was standing at the kitchen door cheering, what a moment. I will never forget the process when my magnificence burst forth. Thank you for all the support and teaching. Without LTYF, this would have taken 10 more years!
Lori Clarke

What Does The Program Cost?

thumbs-upDTAs you’ll read below, I initially created the Listen To Your Freedom program for the 50,000 readers of my health books; people who kept asking me, “How do I get your life?

So I also set the price of this program to be accessible for people with tight finances (often due to long-term illness).

In deciding how to structure the fees for Listen To Your Freedom, I looked directly at the financial situation of my 10 testers to see what they could actually afford – not just what this program is worth.

But I’m getting ahead of myself here, I want to tell you WHY I developed Listen To Your Freedom in the first place…

How Do I Get Your Life?

FamilyJumpOver the years, I have received countless emails from readers of my health books saying, “You seem to have it all – great kids, a successful business, you’re making a difference, you love what you’re doing,” they asked, “How do I get your life?”

I’ve also been running a business blog for a few years now, and have been asked questions like this:

I’m trying to pick ONE educator, who can deliver an A-Z map for a successful online business, vs. continuous upsell. Help!”

*Don’t forget – even if you have a physical, in-person business, you still need a strong online presence, as that’s where people are going to be sharing about your work. And that’s where you’re going to pull new clients from.

For all these reasons, I created Listen To Your Freedom, a business success program – specifically geared to automating as many components as you can (saves time) and showing you step-by-step how to create suites of products/services that get you out of the trading-time-for-money business model.

balanceFTBalance is the key to life. And good stewardship. And a successful business. And great relationships. And lots of FREEDOM.

And remember: That when you are doing what you love, it doesn’t feel like work anyway! It doesn’t suck your energy; it gives you energy.

I began working on Listen To Your Freedom, based on exactly these concepts, back in 2010. I started by individually coaching other people one-on-one so I could see firsthand their challenges, where they stalled, where they needed more info, etc. My first coaching client had already been in business for 5 years and we quadrupled her revenues the first year.
Tried And Tested

I’ve since coached five different people over the last few years and built the program around what I needed to teach them and – this is really important – how they needed to learn it.

coaching.jpgThen I had 10 different testers go through the exact same Listen To Your Freedom program I offer here to ensure they could get the same value and results from the program without my in-person coaching. Because I put ALL my coaching into the program – written text, videos, interviews, teleseminars, CDs, and workbook pages.

However, we also realized early on in the testing process, that people still needed one-on-one support; to be able to immediately contact us when they got stuck.

Or sometimes they had just one little question that was keeping them from moving forward. That’s why we include live chat, our phone number, our email address and an LTYF Private Forum as part of your membership. You can get your questions answered, or get some brainstorming help, or technical help, whenever you need it and in whichever way you prefer to communicate. We also hold monthly calls on different topics, along with general Q&A for whatever you’re dealing with.

Those of you who’ve been with me for a while, know that I never release anything until it’s been tried-and-tested by many others. This is why my return rate is less than 1 percent – I don’t release anything until I know for sure it’s going to work.

What Exactly Will You be Doing as You Re-configure & Expand Your Business?

Download the detailed program course content here and learn the exact same tools I used to build a successful online/offline business – and if you want some social proof, check out this article written about my health biz in Practical Ecommerce.

Here are the details on the price of the program, more about the contents + the ironclad guarantee:

Order summary

Listen To Your Freedom Fortissimo Program
Annual Membership:
Year-round, 24/7 access to all LTYF written, audio & video instruction. Plus live support via chat, email, forum & phone.



suzen-maureen.jpgIt is a journey of self discovery, intentions, goal setting and for me, learning about technology! I love the accessibility of the LTYF process, the individual modules have allowed me to really investigate what my true gifts are and to be clear about where I want to focus my creative energy. All the questions are fabulous prompts to nudge deep thinking and move from the abstract to tangible. Sometimes it feels a bit forced but it soon becomes apparent that it is all connected and each step in LTYF builds on the previous and soon your business, your ideas, your dreams, are really unfolding! The creative process of LTYF is inspiring and the technical processes are broken down into steps with guidance and information that is beyond any other business building program.”
SuZen Maureen,


Here’s What You’ll Receive

  • 22 Jam-Packed Modules of instruction and action steps showing you step-by-step how to develop and expand your business; including passive income streams that make you money 24/7: while you sleep, when you’re on vacation, when you’re taking care of your kids, etc. For example, Module 1 helps you get clear on what you love best and explores how to use that insight to launch a new site, or expand your existing biz. Module 4 shows you how to figure out who is your customer, and who is not – you may think you know this, but I guarantee you some powerful insights that will change your sign-up, retention, or conversion figures. Module 10 walks you through how to choose and set up your shopping cart (if you don’t already have one, or maybe you need to upgrade!) and the best ways to email your customers to manage clients, or booking appointments, or deliver paid content, or free stuff. Module 13 teaches you how to produce a CD in one day, and how to publish a book, or create a video training series. VIEW the entire LTYF Fortissimo Course Outline online here. Modules 2 – 4 will make sure you’ve chosen the best name for your business (for long-term positioning) and created a fabulous tagline that encapsulates how you help, educate, or entertain people.
  • Videos with Jini within the Modules, showing you real life examples and tutorials to make your learning easy.
  • Audios within the Modules you can listen to in your car, or on-the-go, to keep your learning curve fun and interesting.
  • Action Checklists at the end of each Module, so you can track your progress and make sure you’ve implemented everything needed, before moving on to the next step. Keep yourself on track and motivated!
  • Weekly Q & A group call-in sessions for live teaching, or in case you get stuck. These seminar sessions also focus on specific topics, with Q&A at the end, hosted by one of our LTYF Coaches.
  • Private LTYF Forum where you can share ideas and triumphs, post your questions, and receive support for your challenges with LTYF Coaches Jini, Ian, Justin, and the rest of our awesome community. Learn by reading about other people’s challenges and see how we answer them. Of course, we’ll always answer your questions as well!
  • Work Online or Offline – you’re mailed a physical, printed, gorgeous Workbook (and a few other surprises) so you can head to the beach or cafe for your planning, exploration or strategizing sessions.
  • Real-time, live Chat for any questions that pop up, or in case you get stuck – 12 hours a day, we’re here for you.
  • Toll-free Phone Number for those of you who prefer to pick up the phone and discuss your question or technical issue. And an International support line too.
  • Private email support 24/7 for any questions, tech difficulties, or support you might need.

Did you notice how much LIVE, one-on-one help we offer in this program? That’s because our Testers showed us how crucial it was to have someone available to answer both large and small questions as and when they occur.

We give you EVERYTHING you need to grow and expand your online business – one that embodies your heart’s desire, or your soul’s purpose, including things like:

  • geniusFTYou’ll re-discover your passion, purpose and talents, so you can make sure your business will keep you engaged and passionate for the long-term (see Module 1)
  • You’ll pick your best business idea or area of your business to focus on – the one that fits your lifestyle best, so that as you grow your business, it will not drain your energy or take over your life, but will integrate seamlessly with your chosen lifestyle (see Modules 2 & 6).
  • You’ll discover: Who is your ideal customer? So you can make sure your website and branding is attracting the right people and providing them with exactly what they need or want (see Modules 3 & 4)
  • feedbackFTIf your website is currently a template (free) site, or doesn’t have the right hosting, you’ll get step-by-step assistance to set up your domain (website address), hosting and emails, so that you’ll have a professional, scaleable system that can expand easily as your biz grows (see Module 7)
  • You’ll use my 23 gorgeous color palettes to choose a look & feel for your site that appeals to and attracts your ideal customer! (see Module 5 & 11)
  • You’ll re-design your website to immediately hook your visitors in 3-6 seconds, so they don’t click away, but stay on your site, have a look around and sign-up for your fabulous free offer (see Module 9)
  • 17_33You’ll learn free and easy ways to promote your site and get people to come to your site, and what’s the best social media for you to use (see Module 17)
  • I’ll show you 10 different ways to blog (even if you hate writing!)
  • You’ll discover how to shoot awesome videos showcasing your stuff without ever showing your face (unless you want to)
  • You will create do-it-yourself Pinterest and Facebook quotes that may go viral (see Module 17)
  • You’ll learn the easiest way to create an eBook or printed book – remember, I’ve published 17 books so far, so I know what I’m talking about! (see Module 13)
  • will learn how to sell and then deliver your stuff to your customers – warehousing, product fulfillment, or digital delivery (see Module 15)
  • You’ll discover how to multi-purpose your content: create ONE item, then sell it as 3 different products! (see Module 13)
  • You will learn how to build relationship; turning your site visitors into friends and life-long customers (see Module 19)
  • You’ll be able to hold successful webinars and teleseminars (see Module 13)
  • You’ll discover how to set the best price for your stuff and how to present your offers to your tribe (see Module 16)
  • You will learn how to create an audio series, a online tutorial, or a printed book (see Module 13)
  • You’ll learn how to create a membership site, mastermind group, or inner circle of paying members (see Module 13)
  • audio-setFTYou’ll discover 3 of the best ways to get other people to happily sell your stuff for you (see Module 8)
  • You’ll learn how to choose the best shopping cart, email marketing platform and other infrastructure tools (see Module 10)
  • You’ll discover super low-cost ways to create great products and programs (see Module 14)
  • You’ll acquire the skills to manage yourself so you create in 4 hours what takes other people 8 hours! (see Module 18)
  • You will begin to work smarter and speed up your success: How to begin outsourcing tasks you hate for the price of a movie, or (yes, sorry to use this timeworn analogy but…) a cup of coffee per day (see Module 21)
  • securityYou’ll discover how to use crowdfunding, equity investors, or project loans to raise cash to produce your product, book, film or service (see Module 20)
  • You’ll learn how to sell other people’s products or services (on automated commission) on your site, along with, or instead of, your own products! (see Module 8)
  • and so much more!

pursesFTEven if you already have a physical business (retail, or service industry) I’ll show you how to set up the Internet component of that business to save yourself time and increase your customer base. I’ll also be showing you how to manufacture, warehouse and fulfill physical products – and opening up my rolodex to give you tried-and-tested partners.

Likewise, if you already have a website, but it’s not earning you as much money as you’d like, I’ll show you where you’ve gone wrong and how to set things right. Here’s what a Freedomite has to say about the value of this program, even though her site had already been up and running for 2 years before she joined LTYF:

Jini is a genius! Her Listen To Your Freedom course is fantastic! If you want to do it right, simply follow Jini’s step-by-step guide on how to create your heart centered business. Listen To Your Freedom takes the guess work out. What I love the most about this course is that it is based on integrity and sharing your most valuable gifts with your audience freely. The only regret I have is that I did not have this course years ago, when I first started out. Highly recommended!”
– Dr. Katharina Johnson,

Dr. Katharina’s site BEFORE LTYF
Dr. Katharina’s site AFTER LTYF


Let’s take a journey inside the Listen To Your Freedom Fortissimo Program:

DOWNLOAD the LTYF Fortissimo Course Contents – download time about 2 mins (83 MB)
VIEW the Fortissimo Course ONLINE



moneybackYou have a full 30-days to test-drive Listen To Your Freedom. All the modules are available to you the minute you join, so you have a full month to make sure the program is right for your needs. You can request a full refund during that 30-days for any reason – no questions asked!

Download the detailed course outline here – find out exactly what you’ll learn in each Module throughout the Listen To Your Freedom program.

LTYF Fortissimo Workbook

LTYF Fortissimo Printed Workbook

I offer this same 100% guarantee for my health books and my return rate is less than 1%. I can be this confident because I know my stuff works – everything is trial-tested first.

Is LTYF Worth the Price?

Think about how much it would cost you to hire a business coach just to help you learn how to market effectively to your list and increase sales conversions from your emails – which we walk you through step-by-step, with LIVE help? (Module 19).

How much would you pay an ad agency to strategize your brand or positioning? (Modules 3, 4 and 16)

And how much would you pay to learn how to fund your business at only 1.99% interest? What’s it worth to learn how to raise up to $500K equity investment cash without giving up control of your business? (Module 20)

Do you know that there are courses that charge $1200 – $2000 JUST to teach you how to blog effectively and drive traffic to your site? (Modules 9, 11 and 17)

If your goal is to earn decent (or even fantastic) money by doing something you love, then $249 is a very reasonable price to pay – some might even call it a bargain! I encourage you to do your research on business programs that are similar to Listen To Your Freedom and this will further help you to understand the incredible value you’ll receive from this program.

Because I am not some Internet Marketer trying to hustle as much cash as I can – I created this program for my own readers (many of whom are struggling financially) and I am much more interested in empowering people to step into their authenticity, live from their gut, and move forward in freedom!

speaker-magazineJanet Switzer is a well-known pro in the business world – she’s the force behind Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul empire) and people like Jay Abraham and Yanik Silver. Janet has an impeccable reputation and if you want to consult with her, it’s $1,000/hour, because she’s just that good! Here is what Janet has to say about the LTYF program:

“It’s rare that I encounter an Internet business-building program that is as thorough and as easy-to-follow as Jini Patel Thompson’s course, Listen to Your Freedom. What I like best is that it takes even people who are unfamiliar with technology, or new to online marketing — or even unsure about what their online business potential might be — and confidently guides them through deciding, building, launching, and marketing… with Jini’s team even providing personal guidance throughout the process. Jini takes the guesswork out of building a robust online business that sells useful products and services to a hungry marketplace. Highly recommended!” — Janet Switzer, #1 bestselling author of Instant Income: Strategies That Bring In the Cash for Small Businesses, Innovative Employees and Occasional Entrepreneurs

Join Listen To Your Freedom now and receive instant access to ALL 22 modules instantly.
Your beautiful LTYF Workbook (and a few other surprises) will be couriered out to you.


A full year, 24/7 access to all
LTYF written, audio & video
instruction. Plus live support via
Chat, email, forum & phone.


Is Listen To Your Freedom Right For Me?

Here are some of the questions you might have about whether LTYF is right for you, or not…
Also, don’t be shy to ask us your question directly!

Can I get my money back if I’m not happy?

WeckerYes! We offer a no-questions-asked, 100% money back guarantee for 30 days. So you get a full month to check out all the instruction; audios, videos, the Workbook, etc.

Will my access to the LTYF course expire?

Your membership is valid for one full year from the date of purchase – that includes any updated lessons, videos, or audios. You can renew each year for as long as you like. You can also suspend your account for a month or two if you’re hit with a tragedy, or going traveling, or birthing a wee one.

Can I download the course lessons to my computer or mobile device?

smartphone in hand and a newspaper with the tablet on the tableYou can download all of the lesson audios (mp3). Load them onto your mobile device and go! The videos you will need to watch online. If you are EHS or need to minimize screen time, please contact us and we can send you the modules as PDFs

Do I get access to everything at once?

Yes! You will immediately get access to the entire course content as soon as you join. All of the course materials will be available the day you purchase (both online and for downloading). The only thing you’ll have to wait for is the LTYF Workbook – which is a printed book that we ship out to you.

How much money can I expect to earn using the Listen To Your Freedom method? And how quickly will I be earning that money? It would really help to have some guidelines.

Hmmmm, this question feels familiar… it’s the same question I get asked about my healing programs: How long will it take me to heal, when will I be off all drugs, when will I be able to go back to school/work?

And guess what? The answer is the same!

It depends on:
(a) what you’re currenRadiationEducationtly bringing to the table
(b) your passion, desire and commitment to implementing the program steps and
(c) how much time you have to devote to your business.

If Sam has only 1 hour a day to work on his biz, but Susie has 6 hours a day – are they going to see the same results in the same timeframe? If Jennifer starts Listen To Your Freedom and she already has a 10 year background in marketing and sales, is she going to have the same learning curve as Jake who has been a ski instructor/blogger for 10 years?

I think the important guideline to keep in mind is that my 8 and 10-year-old kids used this same program to set up their business in 2 weeks ( that earns them ongoing revenue of $200/month. Let me say that again: 2 weeks of work (and NOTHING ongoing or after that), by a couple of kids and they net $2300 per year from that. Although I have to say, they had a very good January 2015 and netted $554 just for that month! The key is that they affiliate-linked to one of my blogs that has really good search engine rankings – so they get to piggy-back on my ongoing work and success! And yes, in LTYF I show you how to team up with people in your niche who are already doing well. So if that’s your ‘worst case’ scenario, what have you got to lose?

no-timeI desperately want to do this program, but I honestly don’t see how I’ll find the time to actually go through it, or implement anything. I have a newborn and I’m already run ragged. How much time, realistically, will be required?

Listen To Your Freedom is designed so that you can do it completely and utterly on your own schedule and work as much or as little as you want. There’s no time limit or hard-sell to this program. If it takes you 6 months just to re-design or tweak your existing site, no worries. These are the same principles I used to start and build my health business whilst breastfeeding (night and day!) my own 3 children. And many of the people using Listen To Your Freedom (and all of my testers for the program) have limiting factors like small children, a chronic illness, or a part-time job, etc.

This is a very special and unique program in that it is specifically designed to be implemented entirely at YOUR own pace, there are no tests, or deadlines, or any other tactic to put pressure on you.

I will leave you with these words from Leonie Dawson, who also built a very successful business whilst breastfeeding and co-sleeping with her little one:

“That lil iPod Touch became my Business Workstation for all those months. I wrote 1100 word blog posts with one finger as I breastfed my daughter to sleep, and as she slept for hours on me. I’d respond to Twitter during 3am breastfeeds (My daughter would take an hour every time to breastfeed. I KNOW RIGHT. Anyways, it happened. And we survived. And I totally deserve a gold star! Ha!) I responded to emails, I dreamed up new ideas for the business, I implemented marketing strategies. All from my one touch typing on my iPod. In a world that had become suddenly so ensconced with mamahood, to keep writing and doing this beautiful business of mine was my outlet and my joy and my sense of normal.”

And this is the thing you need to keep in mind: When you’re doing what you LOVE, your business becomes your pleasure – it is your reward and feels like time-off!

Personally, if I had NOT had my business when my kids were infants/toddlers I would have gone crazy. For me, it was such a relief to see that I was making progress somewhere and actually accomplishing something, not to mention having a creative outlet – when most of my life felt like that movie, Groundhog Day! I breastfed for 5 years total and did the co-sleeping, attachment parenting thing – my kids consumed me; but my business was my stress outlet, the place I got to feel like ME again. Having both babies and business was a very necessary balance for me – still is!

maze-questionDTHow long should I expect to spend on each module?

Some modules take longer than others. Average length is one to one and a half hours. Some – like choosing a theme if you’re adding a new blog to your site, or re-designing the look and feel of your site – take much longer because you need to live with the ideas for a while, let them swim around your being and gradually feel your way to the colors, design etc. that fit you perfectly and ‘click’ with your new or expanded vision.

But don’t worry, no matter how long the modules take, the one thing ALL my testers reported was that it doesn’t feel like traditional “work”. This is NOT a dry, academic, plodding course. It is fun, stimulating and really exciting because we’re dealing with your core passion and dreams. Implementation may require some self-discipline at times, but it still doesn’t feel like work.

Will your program be appropriate for someone like me who’s already made the decision to go out on my own and have done it for a few years? Am I as successful as I’d like to be? No, but I’m giving it another go by re- branding and creating new products…

We have many Freedomites who already had businesses, but were not generating the revenue they wanted. In that case, you just take your existing biz or blog and run it through Modules 1 – 12 of the program and it will show you where the holes are in your current brand or business, what you need to add, what you need to get clearer on and exactly how to do that, what needs re-positioning or new pricing, etc. Modules 13 – 21 are all about expansion – AFTER your foundation is rock solid – and focus on increasing your clients, site traffic, revenues, product portfolio, and how to capitalize (fund) your business, etc.

Remember, I am giving you the exact same tools and process I used to build a million dollar+ business, so unless you are currently generating $2M+ you will learn valuable and useful things! Even if your current business is perfect, you can use the program to expand your list, your products, your services, your social media presence, and increase automation so you can stop trading time for money – it’s a good idea to have a good chunk of your income coming from things that sell even while you’re asleep! Whether you’re a carpenter, a life coach, or a dog trainer – I’ll show you how to create passive income streams for your unique business.

overload-tightropeI’ve been really busy with music, filming, website creation and online stores! I had no idea your programme would involve so much work, and I just don’t have the time or even the head space…

“I’m not looking for what my creativity is, I found it. I’m a musician primarily but passionate about unlocking other’s latent talent and power to be creative and take responsibility for their lives. So I’m not looking for the what. I’ve got so many things in the pipeline that require constant attention I’m in a very good phase and feel very blessed to have reached this point.

I’ve healed all areas of my life but the business side still lies in waiting for me. Being the artistic musician rocker Aquarian visionary type it’s always been low down on my priorities but not any more. I’ve done a lot of seminars, online stuff and know so much about it all, but implementing things strategically is still new to me. Creating financial reward for my work has always been an issue for me and that is an area I am constantly focusing on. That’s the area I really need to keep working on, and I am more ‘on that’ than ever. So I don’t know what to say… I don’t feel I can participate in Listen to your Freedom and do it justice as I just don’t have the time.”

Answer: I hear you and I think you summed up your difficult area here:

Creating financial reward for my work has always been an issue for me

bubbles2DTUs creative types can just keep creating and launching amazing things until the cows come home. BUT if we don’t discipline ourselves to focus on ONE thing at a time – from start to finish – every aspect of the whole process, understanding and consciously creating every piece that speaks directly to our potential customer – then we will not reap the financial rewards from our amazing creative endeavors.

You have only 3 – 6 seconds to communicate to your site visitor:

• Who you are in a way that resonates with them and makes them trust you
• That you understand their pain, problem, challenge, desire
• That you have the perfect solution for that pain, problem, challenge, desire
• And provide them with something awesome for free so that you capture their name and email and can start building a relationship with them, that will eventually lead to a sale (or a sale from a referral by them).

If you look at your existing sites you can assess in 10 seconds whether you are doing this. If you are, then your sticking point is in your relationship building – that’s where you are failing to transition your site visitors into paying customers.

Listen To Your Freedom will walk you step-by-step, through each of the components that need to be in place to make your business successful financially as well as creatively and artistically. For the pieces you’ve already nailed, you can just check them quickly off your list – so you will progress faster through the program than someone who is at an earlier stage in their business.

Also, keep in mind, that LTYF is purposely set up in Modules – so if there’s an area you know you are weak in, or something you really want to work on, you can just jump straight to that specific Module and get going.

But yes, as you already realized, this takes time, effort, commitment and self-discipline from you to make it happen and actually implement the pieces that are missing from your business. So basically, it all comes down to what you want and how badly you want financial freedom.

You need to listen to your gut, and if now is not the right time, no worries. We’re not going anywhere!

I’m not sure which LTYF program I should purchase: Forte or Fortissimo?

dreamstime_s_51205375I already have a business (a nursing home) and it has a website, but someone else did it for me, and online business is a whole new animal. The Technology is the hardest part for me to harness, I’m pretty old-school at 45. I do the basics but I’m a bit lost when it comes to putting together the particulars of websites, automatic mail response, email contact member lists, affiliate marketing, Facebook, Twitter and blogging. Lots to learn or at least find someone to outsource to. It’s hard to know what websites to make or what platforms to use or even how to use the different technology or set it up!!!! Or who to contact to set it up for me. Oh my what a lot of loose ends!!!”

Answer: Don’t forget – in both programs you will have live, 1-on-1 tech help and support for any confusing or sticky areas. We saw this happen with our testers – let’s say a Freedomite was setting up her email marketing sequence for new clients – she would get stuck on one tiny issue, but without being able to get a quick answer (using our live Chat, for example) she could lose a day in frustration! That’s why we are unique from most business building programs in that we offer multiple ways to get live help: email, phone, chat and forum.

Forte is really focused on getting you started with the basics you identified:

“putting together the particulars of websites, automatic mail response, email contact member lists, affiliate marketing, Facebook, Twitter and blogging. Who and how to outsource.” will then ADD to what you’ve learned with Forte and take you to the next level of effectiveness – all those things plus more options, and more complexity.

Fortissimo also has all the modules on physical product manufacturing, warehousing, fulfillment etc. Whereas Forte focuses on digital (online) products to get you started.

So basically, for the long-term you will need Fortissimo. But Forte will certainly get you up and running and able to sell product from your new site, targeting the right customer, ongoing marketing to your list, and marketing to new people.

If you are storing and shipping product out of your house or nursing home right now, then you should be fine with Forte for a while. But if you want to sub-contract all that out and have everything automated (like I do) then you’ll need Fortissimo.

Fortissimo has the same level of tech help and explanation as Forte – it just gives you MORE detail and enables you to do more complex things with your tech infrastructure. Fortissimo takes the skills you learned in Forte on to the next level.

cdsFTFor example, in Forte you’ll learn how to create a CD in one day. You’ll learn that in Fortissimo too, but you’ll also learn how to package multiple CD’s together into a course, or tutorial – and how to price and position that audio course to be able to charge a much higher price than you’d get for a single CD. It’s the same technology, just taken to a bigger, higher level.

So if you think you’d get overwhelmed and quit if you have too much choice, then stick with Forte for now and just get your site and basic biz working better. Then upgrade later to Fortissimo when you’re ready for the physical product modules and/or the advanced marketing sequences and product launches, advanced packaging and product positioning, search engine optimization (web traffic), etc.

And yes, both programs will give you detailed, specific instructions (and don’t forget the LIVE HELP!) for every piece of your website, marketing, outsourcing, emails, web traffic, social media, product creation, and so on.

And of course, if you’re still wondering, or have any questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to chat with us, via phone (1.877.589.3573), live chat, email or Skype! Just reach out.

Should I get a Coaching Diploma first, before I do Listen To Your Freedom?

puzzle-lgDT-horizontal“I’ve always had this “urge” in my heart that I should share my story with the world but never really had courage to do so and to let my VOICE out! I would find the excuses: why share something so personal which is really fear, no one would be interested anyway, I don’t know how to write a book, or write a blog…

However not sharing what I went through was always there in my spirit, the book not written is always there….. Then I came across your website the other day about LTYF and was really SURPRISED!!! The program that would teach me ALL!!! My question is for the story like mine do you think it would be wise if I have some education in Life-coaching as my platform, or could I go into creating something from my Life-experience? I live in Australia and sometimes I feel I would have to have formal training to stand strong, people here often disregard those who don’t have a ‘DIPLOMA’ although I have a ‘DIPLOMA’ in my own LIFE experience, is that enough? Could you please give me some advice where to go from here and would your program be more than enough and I don’t have to have any coaching degree? Thank you so very much. God bless you.”

Answer: Thanks so much for sharing part of your story with me. It’s kind of funny that you are asking me whether you need an industry-related diploma, because I’m going to turn the question right back on you: When you found me (my health site), how much did it matter to you that I did not have ANY health-related diploma or qualification? Take a moment and let that sink in.

My health articles have been published in magazines and journals in Australia, the USA and UK. I’ve appeared on nationally syndicated radio and TV shows – did my complete lack of a health-related diploma matter at all? Nope.


Telling my story on the Homepage of my health business

My other answer to that question (aside from saying that you should get a life coaching certificate if that FEELS really good/fun to you) is to say: When you write and publish a book, the book stands as your qualification and provides the connection to your audience that makes them say: Wow, I want to get in closer contact with her. So if your book is not JUST slanted to tell your story (which is super important) but ALSO to provide help and shift to those who read it… then you will have established your credibility, reputation and value.

Did Richard Branson have a diploma? Nope, not even a high school diploma. My entire health business is built on the back of my personal story and all my credibility and validity comes from that. Not from a diploma.

So YES, Listen To Your Freedom will teach you how to do all this and much more. Also, Module 1 and the free 7-email series (Jini’s 7 Freedom Steps) will get you started and give you some handy tools for increasing your web traffic and sales, but also practical help to start clearing those blocks to telling your story. So I would start there and then you will know what is right for you at this time.


At the very least, begin your journey to freedom TODAY
by getting my free 7-Step Course:

p.s. Even if you are joining Listen To Your Freedom today, please also sign up for my 7 Freedom Steps (look right –>) as I have some great goodies in there for you!

p.p.s. If you live in a developing country, but you have the desire and the Internet access needed, then please contact us for special pricing geared to your local economy.



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EARNINGS DISCLAIMER We’ve taken every effort to ensure we accurately represent the Listen To Your Freedom Program and it’s potential to help you discover and grow your business. However, there is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques you learn from our Program and we do not present this as a “get rich scheme.” Nothing on our websites or in our Program is a promise or guarantee of earnings. Your level of success in attaining similar results to those discussed is dependent upon a number of factors including your skill, knowledge, ability, dedication, business savvy, network, emotional state and financial situation. Because these factors differ between individuals, we cannot guarantee your success, income level, or ability to earn revenue. You alone are responsible for your actions and results in life, health and business. Any forward-looking statements outlined on our sites or in our Program are simply our personal experience and our expectations or forecasts for future potential, and thus are not guarantees or promises for actual performance. These statements are simply our opinion. As stipulated by FTC law, we make no guarantees that you will achieve any results from our ideas or models presented in this Program, and we offer no professional legal or financial advice.
